Lina’s Paramedic Journey

University Student Paramedic Lina

Hi, I’m Lina. A second year Student Paramedic at University of Wolverhampton.

Find out more about me

I did it!

INSTAGRAM: @studentparamediclina When I started 2nd year, I thought I would never pass. I felt as though this year was the point at which my progression on this course will come to a halt… This year was so much more difficult than first year, one reason being due to covid and another being mental health…

Progression Takes Time…

INSTAGRAM: @studentparamediclina One thing that bugs me quite a lot is thinking about placement.. Placement is really important in the sense that it helps build on your confidence and clinical practice. Studying at university, you learn a lot around research, leadership, anatomy and physiology, and communication. But the thing they lack is exposure. Being at…

‘Dear Mental Health…’

Why is it that I feel as though I’m always the one struggling? When I feel things are going well, things take a turn.. Is it me that’s the problem? What should I do?.. Hopefully these difficult times should pass… They should pass right? INSTAGRAM: @studentparamediclina The last few months of my second year in…

It’s a Slow Process…

Instagram: @studentparamediclina Starting this course, I was and still am very ambitious. I’m determined to strive to get to where I want to be despite the difficulties I would face. But being shy and always having self doubt, it was hard to get to where I am now. At the beginning of 1st year, I…

What is happening?..

Do you ever feel like you’re thinking too much? At times you feel sad for no reason? You have so much stress because of one little thing or things? Can you explain what you’re feeling into words for someone else to understand? How can you tell them about something that you can’t explain yourself let…

My Vision Has Become A Reality!

Growing up, did you ever have a dream goal? Something that you wanted to do in the future? Someone whom you wanted to become? What were your plans in terms of getting there? Did you have one? How do you think it would end? Do you think you will reach your goal? These are all…