Welcome to Life in Greens

Sharing real-life experiences from within the ambulance service

Sharing the experiences and journeys of staff and students working within the ambulance service to raise awareness of what life is like on the front line, support people joining the career and inspire future generations to join a career helping those in need.

Recent Blog Posts

I did it!

INSTAGRAM: @studentparamediclina When I started 2nd year, I thought I would never pass. I felt as though this year was the point at which my progression on this course will come to a halt… This year was so much more difficult than first year, one reason being due to covid and another being mental health…

First Year All Wrapped Up!!

Well, where do I start………first year has gone so fast, and with covid restrictions it has been a strange new learning experience for us all. Without being on campus to meet our fellow students, linking up virtually with other classes to have lectures delivered, only being in very small groups to do our skills classes…

What We Do

Sharing Experiences

We provide a free service to allow Student Paramedics and Ambulance Service Staff to document and share their real-life experiences. Giving others the opportunity to gain insights into life on the frontline and what it takes to become a Paramedic.

Inspiring Others

By sharing experiences and journeys of staff and students, we hope to inspire many people including colleagues, students and those thinking about joining a career helping those in need. Inspiring and supporting others motivates us and is what we love to do.

Raising Awareness

Allowing people to view the experiences of staff and students, we aim to inform and educate people of what life is really like working in the ambulance service, career journeys and the variety of job roles that exist.

Supporting Mental Health & Wellbeing

We are passionate about mental health and wellbeing, and we know that it can affect anyone particularly those working on the frontline. So, we offer ambulance service staff and students the opportunity to share the difficulties and challenges they have faced, allowing others who may be experiencing similar situations to know that they are not alone and it is ok not to be ok.

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Follow us on our social media channels to keep up to date with our work and our recent blog posts.