Student Paramedics

I did it!

INSTAGRAM: @studentparamediclina When I started 2nd year, I thought I would never pass. I felt as though this year was the point at which my progression on this course will come to a halt… This year was so much more difficult than first year, one reason being due to covid and another being mental health…

Progression Takes Time…

INSTAGRAM: @studentparamediclina One thing that bugs me quite a lot is thinking about placement.. Placement is really important in the sense that it helps build on your confidence and clinical practice. Studying at university, you learn a lot around research, leadership, anatomy and physiology, and communication. But the thing they lack is exposure. Being at…

‘Dear Mental Health…’

Why is it that I feel as though I’m always the one struggling? When I feel things are going well, things take a turn.. Is it me that’s the problem? What should I do?.. Hopefully these difficult times should pass… They should pass right? INSTAGRAM: @studentparamediclina The last few months of my second year in…

Paratrooper to Student Paramedic

One of the guys we were working with was shot in the leg. A few of us had to carry him out on a stretcher under enemy fire. The ground was rough and jagged and it was taking us forever to get him to an area safe enough for a helicopter to land to get…

Imposter syndrome

Have you ever thought you’re not good enough? That it’ll be too much; too much responsibility, too much pressure? I have. The lack of placements, lack of skills lab sessions and the lack of support had rendered me unknowing if I could actually do this, if I could finish what I started and actually become…

Modules, Placements and Assessments

As before I have promised you all that I will share my journey step by step.  I originally was planning to blog week on week, but as you can imagine my time is limited.  So ill go term by term and ill try and do a couple in between that.  Being an adult learner I am splitting my time between uni,…

It’s a Slow Process…

Instagram: @studentparamediclina Starting this course, I was and still am very ambitious. I’m determined to strive to get to where I want to be despite the difficulties I would face. But being shy and always having self doubt, it was hard to get to where I am now. At the beginning of 1st year, I…