Have you ever questioned your progression? Have you ever thought you’d never accomplish your dreams and desires? Does it seem out of arms reach?

INSTAGRAM: @studentparamediclina

When I started 2nd year, I thought I would never pass. I felt as though this year was the point at which my progression on this course will come to a halt…

This year was so much more difficult than first year, one reason being due to covid and another being mental health which plummeted dramatically during this time. It had me questioning whether this course really is for me. But the thing is, my heart is drawn to this career which is why I kept my head down, stayed focussed and pushed myself to where I am now.

The obstacles and challenges faced with covid, personal issues, mental health and high workload and demand from university and placement had me feeling so overwhelmed and I just felt lost.

I was informed that with placement, there’s a possibility I wouldn’t have my 2nd year pad signed summatively in time. I also had my patchwork to hand in which I completed one week before the submission date.

With my placement pad, my worst fear was that I would not be able to competently continue into 3rd year. I felt I had no options and this role wasn’t for me. But then I thought to myself how far I’ve come, how much progression I’ve made from a timid little girl to a much more confident student paramedic within the space of two years. That’s when I put my foot down, attended majority of the cases, asked questions after jobs, took basic history, did the handovers, alerts, VNRs, volunteered for skills such as IM injections, had discussions surrounding skills I hadn’t had signed and honestly if I hadn’t had made this effort, I would not have been able to do it!

I’m so proud of myself and how much I’ve accomplished during such difficult times! I can now finally say that I’ve passed 2nd year fully and I’m going into 3rd year in September!!

My advice to anyone struggling and anyone who’s a shy sort of individual like myself, keep trying. Even when you feel like giving up, like I did at one point, don’t give up too quickly! Give it a shot and find every opportunity to try and make some form of progression, and then evaluate your situation and your options!

Every day is a learning day. Every day, use your initiative and volunteer for skills you have never practiced! Take the lead on cases! Establish suitable management and treatment plans, and remember it’s alright to make the wrong decision, as your mentor is there to guide you and support you!

You’ve got this! Stay determined! Prove to yourself that you can do it, because you can! 💚

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