INSTAGRAM: @studentparamediclina

Growing up, did you ever have a dream goal? Something that you wanted to do in the future? Someone whom you wanted to become? What were your plans in terms of getting there? Did you have one? How do you think it would end? Do you think you will reach your goal?

These are all questions we get asked by many people. From a young age, you don’t really think much of it. But growing up, you come to realise how important it is to build yourself a mental framework to steer yourself on the right path.

During my primary school years, I wasn’t really focussed on what I wanted to do or who I wanted to become. At times I’d think, what would the job of a vet would be like? I even went on to question the role of an architect as I loved drawing. I explored multiple different jobs over the years, and came to realise my heart and soul was purely drawn to the health care profession.

Going into secondary school, I had the idea of becoming a nurse. I had that idea for maybe three years, as that was the most common job and I had a genuine interest in the profession. But then, coming into college, I decided to do a bit more research into the variety of roles in the health care profession and that’s where I came across the role of a paramedic.

During career events and talks, I don’t know about you, but I have never heard the profession of a paramedic ever discussed or mentioned, which I find truly frustrating. No one, including the teachers, could help me better understand the role of a paramedic and what it involves, so that is when I took the responsibility into my own hands and educate myself further.

Reading upon the profession and watching multiple documentaries of paramedics on the frontline, I knew that this was my dream job.

I was worried, however, that I wouldn’t be able to get there. I didn’t think I was capable, and I had a reasonable doubt about how I would perform.

When I was attending secondary school, a teacher was not very supportive and told me that I would fail. I tried to not let that affect me and attended school everyday before, during and after to study with another teacher who had their faith in me. He guided me on the correct path to success – taught me extra lessons and gave me lots of practice papers to help build up my confidence.

From when I was told I would fail, I struggled to get the thought out of my mind. Because of how much I struggled from secondary school, the effects built up over the coming years to this day where I now struggle with my confidence, I have anxiety and I am also presenting with symptoms of depression which I am not afraid to state as that is what empowered me to keep trying and show the world what I was capable of.

And with that said, I left school with all Bs and one A! Let me tell you, that I cried when I saw my grades as it was not what I had expected. But it taught me something. It showed me something.

From that alone I realised, I am more than capable of succeeding if I put my head down and stay determined with my goals. I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy. I knew that I wasn’t naturally smart. I knew that it takes time for me to learn different topics. I knew that I wasn’t very great academically, but I was willing to try and am still striving towards my goal of becoming a qualified paramedic.

During my college years, I didn’t really research how to get into my university. By luck, did I pick the correct subjects and managed to achieve the grades required for a place on the BSc Paramedic Science course with Wolverhampton University.

The morning I got the text that I was given a place in university, I was ecstatic! I got out of bed and went to my mum and dad in tears. I showed my sisters and brothers what I had achieved and they were beyond proud of me!

But most of all, I was proud of myself!

Despite my doubts and the excruciating effort I put into my work on a daily basis, I got to where I wanted to be.

Now, today, I am proud to say that I am a 2nd year student paramedic at the University of Wolverhampton. Did I ever think I’d get to where I am now? No. But I can now proudly say that I am one step closer to accomplishing my dreams.

So, remember, if you are ever brought down by someone, don’t fall apart. Don’t let it consume you. Use it as a reason to keep striving forward. The way in which you respond to negativity determines the outcome. Try and always think positive even when that seems impossible. Talk to someone if you have to. Even if it’s a stranger.

If you keep working towards your goal and remain ambitious, determined and passionate, then who’s to say you will never get there?

You will! It’s just dependent on you!

So this concludes my first blog post. I hope you found it engaging, inspiring and interesting to read.

Till the next post!!

Lots of love, Lina!!

One thought on “My Vision Has Become A Reality!

  1. Great job with your first blog post Lina! A good insight into where and how your Paramedic journey started, with your ambition and dedication to never give up! It shows others that they too should never give up on their dreams and passions. Through hard work and determination you will get to where you want to be. Well done, welcome to the team and best of luck with your studies!

    Liked by 1 person

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